
Chapter 5. Additional Topics 49
This key mapping may be disconcerting to experienced 3270 users (especially ISPF users)
because it uses the large Enter key (on the PC keyboard) as the 3270 Enter key. On a real
3270, the large key in this position performs a New Line function, and a smaller key (where
the Right Cntrl key is positioned on a PC keyboard) performs the 3270 Enter function. You
can correct this situation by the following:
# cd /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
# cp X3270 X3270old (keep copy of original, just in case)
# vi X3270
X3270.keymap.pc: \ (scroll until you find this line)
Meta<Key>d: Redraw()\n\
Alt<Key>d: Redraw()\n\
Meta<Key>Return: Newline()\n\
Alt<Key>Return: Newline()\n\
<Key>Return: Newline()\n\ (change this line, as shown)
!Shift<Key>Tab: BackTab()\n\
..... (near end of ‘X3270.keymap.pc’ section)
Alt<Key>Home: Clear()\n\
<Key>KP_Enter: Enter()\n\ (insert this line)
<Key>Control_R: Enter()\n\ (insert this line)
<Key>Control_L: Reset()\n\ (insert this line)
:<Key>: Default()
X3270.keymap.pc84: \
You will need to use :w! to save the file in vi, because it is a read-only file. Make these
changes carefully; there is one altered line and three new lines. Be careful not to make any
other changes unless you understand the format and functions of this file.
We changed the large Enter key on the PC keyboard to perform the 3270 New Line function,
the Left Cntrl key to perform the 3270 Reset function, and the Right Cntrl key to perform the
3270 Enter function. This is the most familiar keyboard arrangement for most 3270 users.
5.9 Remote resources
FLEX-ES can use TCP/IP links to other instances of FLEX-ES on remote Servers. You
could, for example, run only the FLEX-ES resource manager on a remote Server that has a
large disk configuration. With the proper system definition (locally) and resources definitions
(locally and remotely), a FLEX-ES instance could access the remote disks (as emulated
S/390 devices) as readily as local disks. When used with a fast LAN, the performance is not
much slower than local device access. Usage is not limited to emulated disks; for example, a
SCSI tape drive on a remote system could be used, or emulated channel-to-channel
connections. A FLEX-ES license for each system is required.
Setup for this type of operation can be recognized by the keyword network in channel
definitions and in cu definitions. FLEX-ES automatically uses TCP/IP port 555 for
communication between multiple resource managers.
We did not use remote resources for our redbook project. Our project concentrated on
setting up and operating a basic ThinkPad/EFS system, and we did not need remote
resources for this. However, FLEX-ES remote resources is potentially a very powerful and
useful function in appropriate situations.