
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 vii
A ThinkPad Enabled for S/390, generally known as a ThinkPad/EFS system, is the smallest
S/390 currently available, and is intended for development and demonstration purposes.
It is based on an IBM ThinkPad running Linux, and the S/390 emulation product FLEX-ES.
FLEX-ES is a product of Fundamental Software, Incorporated (FSI) of Fremont, California.
This package (the ThinkPad, Linux, and FLEX-ES) can run all current S/390 operating
This IBM Redbook introduces the ThinkPad/EFS system, describes the setup process of the
system in some detail, and then describes the installation and use of an OS/390 package
known as the OS/390 AD CD-ROM system.
While this publication is primarily directed at members of the IBM S/390 Partners in
Development program (also known as PartnerWorld), most of the content applies to any
ThinkPad/EFS system.
The author
Bill Ogden is a retired IBM Senior Technical Staff Member, still working part-time on favorite
projects at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center. He
specializes in entry-level OS/390 and z/OS systems, writes extensively, and teaches ITSO
workshops relating to these areas. Bill has been with the ITSO since 1978. Many of his
projects for the last several years have been related to IBM’s S/390 Partners in Development
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Jim Obrizok, Linda Lovallo, and Frank Yolton, of the S/390 Partners in Development
program, who coordinated the PID elements of the project and helped obtain required
Scott Carter, Martin Groen, Peter Ward, David MacMillan, Ray La Croix, and Tom
Valerio, of Fundamental Software, Inc., who provided considerable help with the details of
planning and installation.
Mike Hammock, of IntelliWare Systems, Inc., who provided useful feedback about typical
system use.
Special notice
This publication is intended to help new users of ThinkPad/EFS systems better understand
the platform. The information in this publication is not intended as the specification of any
programming interfaces. See the PUBLICATIONS section of any relevant IBM Programming
Announcement for more information about what publications are considered to be product