
Appendix B. FLEX-ES parameters 75
defines two channels, with the channel numbers 3 and 1. The channel numbers must be
unique, but need not be in sequence. The local keyword means the channels are emulated
block multiplexor channels and are emulated using resources on the ThinkPad.
The channel
numbers (or path numbers) are somewhat arbitrary and do not necessarily mirror the
channels you might have on a real S/390. The channel numbers you assign are not
reflected in the device addresses (device numbers) used by OS/390.
The cu statement defines an emulated control unit. The devad parameter defines the
beginning address and the number of (emulated) devices connected to the control unit. This
address (or device number) is the address seen by the operating system. For example, if you
want to IPL from A82, then address A82 would appear in a devad parameter.
The path
parameter specifies an emulated channel connected to the control unit. The resource
parameter specifies the name of a section in a resource definition (described below) that
defines the emulated devices connected to the control unit. Resource names, used in cu
statements, must be unique.
The cu definition specifies a numberofunits for each cu. You must define this number of
devices in the matching resource definition. For example:
cu devad(0xA80,12) path(2) resource(R10A3990)
specifies that 12 devices are attached to this control unit. The R10A3990 clause in the
resources definition must contain 12 devices.
An end statement is required for the system definition, and the parameter should specify the
same name as the system statement.
Resource definitions
Resource definitions refer to actual devices or files and are defined separately from system
definitions. In practice, both a system definition and the corresponding resource definition
might be in the same text file. Both must be compiled by the FLEX-ES cfcomp program, to
produce syscf and rescf files, before they can be used.
Emulated control unit types
FLEX-ES emulates many control unit types (cutype parameters) and device types; the full
documentation should be consulted for a complete list. The commonly used cutypes include:
3990 DASD control unit (for all 3380 and 3390 devices)
3480 and 3490 Tape control unit (for FakeTape and SCSI tape drives)
3174 Terminal control unit (for emulated locally-attached 3270s)
3172 LAN control unit (for Ethernet LANs)
3172TR LAN control unit (for token ring LANs)
3215 Typewriter system console (mostly for VM and Linux for S/390)
2821 Unit record control unit (for emulated card reader/punch, printer)
ctc Channel-to-channel control unit
Other types of channels may be specified, such as byte multiplexor and channels using remote (via TCP/IP)
resources. These are described in detail in the FSI documentation.
For this example, we might have devad(0xA80,8) as the parameter. This defines 8 addresses, A80, A81, A82, and
so forth. A82 is named in this sequence.