76 S/390 PID: ThinkPad Enabled for S/390
Emulated device types
FLEX-ES emulates many device types, and these are documented in the full FLEX-ES
materials. The following list includes commonly used devices for a ThinkPad/EFS running
OS/390 or z/OS.
3390-1 3390 model 1, with 1117 cylinders (1113 usable cylinders)
3390-2 3390 model 2, with 2230 cylinders (2226 usable cylinders)
3390-3 3390 model 3, with 3343 cylinders (3339 usable cylinders)
3390-9 3390 model 9, with 10038 cylinders (10017 usable cylinders)
3172 LCS device, for Ethernet connections
3172TR LCD device, for token ring connections
3215 Typewriter console (not for OS/390 or z/OS)
3178 Most typical 3270 definition
3420 “Round” tape, emulated with SCSI device or FakeTape
3480 Emulated with SCSI device or FakeTape
3490 Emulated with SCSI device or FakeTape
3490-E Emulated with SCSI device or FakeTape
1403 Printer, emulated with UNIX lp functions
2540R Card reader, emulated with UNIX files
CTC Channel-to-channel adapter, emulated with UNIX sockets
Typical resource definitions
A simple set of resource definitions, corresponding to the system definitions above, might be:
resources R10A
mema: memory
end mema
R10A2821: cu 2821
interface local(1)
device(00) 2540R OFFLINE
device(01) 2540P OFFLINE
device(02) 1403 OFFLINE
end R10A2821
R10A3480: cu 3480
interface local(1)
device(00) 3480 OFFLINE
end R10A3480
R10A3174: cu 3174
interface local(1)
device(00) 3278 mstcon
device(01) 3278 payroll1
device(02) 3278 develop2
device(03) 3278 OFFLINE
device(15) 3278 sysprogs
end R10A3174
R10A3990: cu 3990
interface local(1)
device(00) 3390-1 /s390/.....
device(01) 3390-3 /s390/.....
device(02) 3390-3 OFFLINE
device(10) 3390-3 /s390/..... devopt ‘writethroughcache,trackcachesize=50’
device(11) 3390-1 /s390/.....