
Example 5
Here is a list of the input variables:
For this example, we will use a Lotus data file, Warren9v.wk1, to obtain the sample
variances and covariances of these subtests. The sample means that appear in the file
will not be used in this example. Statistics on formal education (past_training) are
present in the file, but they also will not enter into the present analysis. The following
is a portion of the dataset:
Variable name Description
1performance 12-item subtest of Role Performance
2performance 12-item subtest of Role Performance
1knowledge 13-item subtest of Knowledge
2knowledge 13-item subtest of Knowledge
1value 15-item subtest of Value Orientation
2value 15-item subtest of Value Orientation
1satisfaction 5-item subtest of Role Satisfaction
2satisfaction 6-item subtest of Role Satisfaction
past_training degree of formal education