
Example 5
Entering Variable Names
E Right-click each object and select Object Properties from the pop-up menu
E In the Object Properties dialog box, click the Text tab, and enter a name into the
Variable Name text box.
Alternatively, you can choose
View > Variables in Dataset from the menus and then drag
variable names onto objects in the path diagram.
Completing the Structural Model
There are only a few things left to do to complete the structural model.
E Draw the three covariance paths connecting knowledge, value, and satisfaction.
E Draw a single-headed arrow from each of the latent predictors, knowledge, value, and
satisfaction, to the latent dependent variable, performance.
E Add the unobserved variable error9 as a predictor of performance (from the menus,
Diagram > Draw Unique Variable).
Your path diagram should now look like the one on p. 83. The Amos Graphics input
file that contains this path diagram is Ex05-a.amw.
Results for Model A
As an exercise, you might want to confirm the following degrees of freedom