
Multiple-Group Factor Analysis
Figure 24-2: The Multiple-Group Analysis dialog box
Most of the time, you will simply click OK. This time, however, let's take a look at some
parts of the Multiple-Group Analysis dialog box.
There are eight columns of check boxes. Check marks appear only in the columns
1, 2, and 3. This means that the program will generate three models, each with
a different set of cross-group constraints.
Column 1 contains a single check mark in the row labeled Measurement weights,
which is short for regression weights in the measurement part of the model. In the case
of a factor analysis model, these are the factor loadings. The following section shows
you how to view the measurement weights in the path diagram. Column 1 generates a
model in which measurement weights are constant across groups (that is, the same for
boys as for girls).
Column 2 contains check marks for
Measurement weights and also Structural
, which is short for variances and covariances in the structural part of the
model. In a factor analysis model, these are the factor variances and covariances. The
following section shows you how to view the structural covariances in the path
diagram. Column 2 generates a model in which measurement weights and structural
covariances are constant across groups.
Column 3 contains all the check marks in column 2 and also a check mark next to
Measurement residuals, which is short for variances and covariances of residual
(error) variables in the measurement part of the model. The following section shows
you how to view the measurement residuals in the path diagram. The three parameter