
Estimating Variances and Covariances
Optional Output
So far, we have discussed output that Amos generates by default. You can also request
additional output.
Calculating Standardized Estimates
You may be surprised to learn that Amos displays estimates of covariances rather than
correlations. When the scale of measurement is arbitrary or of no substantive interest,
correlations have more descriptive meaning than covariances. Nevertheless, Amos and
similar programs insist on estimating covariances. Also, as will soon be seen, Amos
provides a simple method for testing hypotheses about covariances but not about
correlations. This is mainly because it is easier to write programs that way. On the other
hand, it is not hard to derive correlation estimates after the relevant variances and
covariances have been estimated. To calculate standardized estimates:
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Output tab.
E Select the Standardized estimates check box.
E Close the Analysis Properties dialog box.