Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Enable VerboseGC
Select True from the drop-down list if you
want to generate verbose garbage collection
data for container JVM.
JVM Verbose garbage collection (GC)
statistics are critical. It is recommended to
enable verbose garbage collection when you
are debugging your instance. These statistics
can be used to understand the behavior of
the JVM heap management and the
efficiency of the JVM.
If you select False from the drop-down list,
verbose garbage collection will be disabled.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: False
JVM Arguments Prefix
Determines the arguments set as JVM
parameters before other JVM flags are set for
container JVM.
Ensure that you enter correct values in this
field. Else, the container JVM might fail to
For example, -Xalwaysclassgc parameter
enables dynamic class unloading on every
instance of garbage collection.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: BLANK
JVM Arguments Suffix
Determines the arguments set as JVM
parameters after other JVM flags are set for
container JVM.
Ensure that you enter correct values in this
field. Else, the container JVM might fail to
For example, -Xlp parameter enables large
page support.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value: BLANK
Click Next.
8. In the BP Queue page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the
current settings or the suggested settings.
148 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management