The following table describes some of the key parameters that must be configured
to optimize the EBICS Banking Server's performance:
Recommendation Comments
Allocation of
additional threads to
the HTTP Server
You can allocate additional threads to the HTTP Server adapter
when the rate of concurrent requests to the EBICS Banking Server
is moderately high. Complete the following steps to allocate
additional threads to the HTTP Server adapter:
1. Modify the numOfmaxThread parameter in the
http.properties.in file by setting numOfmaxThread to four
times the number of processor cores on the system the HTTP
Server Adapter is running on. For more information about
calculating the settings to tune the performance of your system,
refer to the topic “View and Restore Performance Configuration
Settings” on page 121.
2. Run the setupfiles.sh (setupfiles.cmd for Windows) script to
apply the changes.
Reduction of the disk
I/O amount
In order to reduce the amount of disk I/O on the system, change
the persistence of the following EBICS business processes to Error
v handleEBICSRequest
v EBICSOrderAuthorisationProcessing
v EBICSOrderProcessing
Storage size The database space required to store the files processed by the
EBICS Banking Server is approximately 2.5 times the size of the
transacted files. For more information about managing databases in
Sterling B2B Integrator, refer to “Database management for Sterling
B2B Integrator” on page 16.
Purge documents The document lifespan in an EBICS transaction is set to ten years.
As a result, the business processes associated with the documents
remain in the live system databases, and may occupy a large
memory and slow down the performance of the system.
The Index Business Process service scans the live systems, and
flags the records that have reached their purge eligibility date and
time. To reset the document lifespan, schedule the Index Business
Process to run every ten minutes. The Index Business Process
resets the lifespan after you delete the messages from the mailbox.
For more information about implementing and configuring the
Index Business Process service and scheduled purge, refer to Index
Business Process Service and Purge Service documentation
respectively in the online documentation library.
Database Management
For optimal performance in Sterling B2B Integrator, you must properly plan,
configure and manage your database.
This section provides information about the tasks elements that have to be
completed prior to the implementation phase. The key planning tasks include, but
are not limited to:
Performance Management 13