4. Set the startup.class.ifcresources property to
com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.jmx.event.SPEventJMXAgentStartup by
editing the existing line.
If the startup.class.ifcresources property does not exist, create a new line to
set the startup.class.ifcresources4 property to
Remember: To prevent errors, do not set the startup.class.ifcresources4
more then once.
Setting the startup.class.ifcresources property starts the JMX Agent when
Sterling B2B Integrator starts.
5. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator to pick up these changes.
6. Configure a business process to send events.
7. In the Sterling B2B Integrator JMX Console, you can view platform events by
using a URL of this form: service:jmx:rmi://HOST:JMXPORT/jndi/rmi://
HOST:JMXRMIPORT/events. This shows the most recent event that was received.
Using external JMX tools that support remote JMX connectivity, it is also
possible to connect remotely to the Event Listener JMX agent. The JMX agent
will be started with a remote connector listening on the jmx.rmi.port as
specified in the jmx.properties file. The URL for remote connection will take
the form /jndi/rmi://[HOST]:[jmx.rmi.port]/events. Use this URL to connect
to the JMX agent and receive all the system-wide events.
It is possible to listen to select events, rather than all of them. By adding a
(comma-separated) list of event schema IDs to the jmx.eventListener.forward
property, the JMX agent will restrict JMX notifications to only those events
specified in the list.
Enhance EDI Performance
About this task
You can boost EDI performance in Sterling B2B Integrator by adjusting the tracking
level in the enveloping.properties file. The tracking level setting affects the
following EDI functionalities:
v EDI Correlation Search
v EDI Document Tracking
v EDI Reporting
To modify the tracking level:
1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate the enveloping.properties.in file.
2. Locate the following line: TRACKING_LEVEL=setting
3. Change the value of the setting to achieve the required EDI performance and
functionality, as shown in the following table:
Setting Description
none Provides the largest EDI performance boost with the least
tracking and search functionality. EDI Correlation Search, EDI
Document Tracking, and EDI Reporting are nonfunctional.
Performance Management 187