However, the following log files created by the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard
interface are not moved to the changed location indicated in sandbox.cfg:
v jetspeed.log
v jetspeedservices.log
v torque.log
v turbine.log
v access.log
To modify the location of these log files, run the deployer.sh script. This script
rebuilds and redeploys the Web ARchive (WAR) files of the dashboard interface.
The locations of the log files created by the service configuration are hard coded in
the configuration. As a result, the location of the einvoicing.log files cannot be
changed by modifying the setting in sandbox.cfg. To modify the location of these
log files, you must modify the settings at the service configuration level.
Log File Types
The log files in Sterling B2B Integrator can be classified under various types. The
following table lists these types along with a description of the same.
Note: If you are working in a clustered environment, the log information that is
displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list.
Log Type Log Name Description
Central Operations Server
Operations Security opsSecurity.log Used by the security components.
Indicates problems with startup,
passwords, and passphrases.
Operations Server ops.log Used by the operations server.
opsServer.log Receives all the log messages the
operations servers generate during
IBM Sterling Gentran:Server
for UNIX
Data Adapter Logs activities of the Sterling
Gentran:Server for UNIX adapter.
You cannot turn logging on or off for
Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX
data adapter.
Note: The Sterling Gentran:Server for
UNIX logs are displayed only if you
have Sterling B2B Integrator
configured for Sterling
Gentran:Server for UNIX.
Application Logs
Adapter Server servicesctl.log Used by the service controller
AFT Routing aftrouting.log
Performance Management 89