102 Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual
Register Description
12.2.47 Offset DCh: PX_BSTS—PCI-X Bridge Status
This register identifies PCI-X status register for the bridge primary side.
12.2.48 Offset E0h: PX_USTC—PCI-X Upstream Split Transaction
This register controls the behavior of the 41210 buffers for forwarding split transactions from the
secondary bus to PCI Express*.
Table 81. Offset DCh: PX_BSTS—PCI-X Bridge Status
Bits Type Reset Description
31:22 RO 000h Reserved
21 RO 0b
Split Request Delayed (SRD): Ordinarily, this bit is set by a bridge when it cannot
forward a transaction onto the primary bus from the secondary bus because there is not
enough room within the limit specified in the Split Transaction Commitment Limit field in
the upstream Split Transaction Control Register. The Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI
Bridge does not set this bit.
20 RO 0b
Split Completion Overrun (SCO): This bit is not set by the 41210 because the 41210
does not request more data on PCI Express* than it has room to receive.
19 RO 0b
Unexpected Split Completion (USC): This bit is set when a completion on PCI Express*
is addressed to a specific bridge segment (either A or B) but the tag does not match.
18 RO 0b
Split Completion Discarded (SCD): This bit does not apply to PCI Express*.
17 RO 0b
133 MHz Capable (C133): Not applicable
16 RO 0b
64-bit Device (D64): Not applicable
15:8 RO 00h
Bus Number (BNUM): This register is an alias to the PBN field of the BNUM register
(“Offset 18h: BNUM—Bus Numbers” on page 82).
7:3 RO 00h
Device Number (DNUM): Device number is 0 for both PCI segment bridges.
2:0 RO
Function Number (FNUM): Read-only bits for PCI-X diagnostic software
000b 010b
Table 82. Offset E0h: PX_USTC—PCI-X Upstream Split Transaction Control
Bits Type Reset Description
31:16 RW FFFFh
Split Transaction Limit (STL): This field is R/W to accommodate diagnostic software that
might want to use it. This field is not used by the Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
for modifying its “commitment” level. The 41210 internal launch algorithms prevent buffers
from being over-allocated.
15:0 RO FFFFh
Split Transaction Capacity (STC): Due to the internal launch algorithm, the 41210 always
has capacity for its outstanding split transactions.