41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual 87
Register Description
12.2.16 Offset 2Ch: PMLU32—Prefetchable Memory Limit Upper
32 Bits
This register defines the upper 32 bits of the prefetchable address base register.
12.2.17 Offset 30h: IOBLU16—I/O Base and Limit Upper 16 Bits
Since I/O is limited to 64 KB, this register is reserved and not used.
12.2.18 Offset 34h: CAPP—Capabilities List Pointer
This register contains the pointer for the first entry in the capabilities list.
12.2.19 Offset 3Ch: INTR—Interrupt Information
This register contains information on interrupts on the bridge.
Table 50. Offset 2Ch: PMLU32—Prefetchable Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits
Bits Type Reset Description
31:0 RW 0000 0000h
Prefetchable Memory Limit Upper Portion (PMLU): These bits indicate that full 64-bit
addressing is supported.
Table 51. Offset 30h: IOBLU16—I/O Base and Limit Upper 16 Bits
Bits Type Reset Description
31:16 RO 0000h I/O Base High 16 Bits (IOBH): Reserved
15:0 RO 0000h
I/O Limit High 16 Bits (IOLH): Reserved
Table 52. Offset 34h: CAPP—Capabilities List Pointer
Bits Type Reset Description
7:0 RO 44h
Capabilities Pointer (PTR): These bits indicate that the pointer for the first entry in the
capabilities list is at 44h (PCI Express* capability) in the configuration space.
Table 53. Offset 3Ch: INTR—Interrupt Information
Bits Type Reset Description
15:8 RO 00h Interrupt Pin (PIN): These bits indicate that no interrupt is used by the bridge segment.
7:0 RW 00h
Interrupt Line (LINE): This register is used to convey the interrupt line routing information
between the initialization code and the device driver.