41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual 105
Register Description
12.2.51 Offset 100h: EXPAERR_CAPID—PCI Express* Advanced
Error Capability Identifier
This register stores the PCI Express* extended capability ID value.
12.2.52 Offset 104h: ERRUNC_STS—PCI Express* Uncorrectable
Error Status Register
This register reports the error status of individual uncorrectable error sources. An individual error
status bit that is set to 1 indicates that a particular error occurred. Software can clear an error status
by writing a 1 to the respective bit.
Table 85. Offset 100h: EXPAERR_CAPID—PCI Express* Advanced Error Capability Identifier
Bits Type Reset Description
31:20 RO 300h
Next PCI Express* Extended Capability Pointer: This field points to the PCI Express*
Power Budgeting Capability as the next capability.
19:16 RO 1h
Advanced Error Capability Version Number: This field indicates the PCI Express*
Advanced Error Reporting Extended Capability Version Number.
15:0 RO 0001h
Advanced Error Capability ID: This field indicates the PCI Express* Extended Capability
ID, indicating Advanced Error Reporting Capability.
Table 86. Offset 104h: ERRUNC_STS—PCI Express* Uncorrectable Error Status Register
Bits Type Reset Description
31:21 RsvdZ 000h Reserved Zero: Software must write 0 to these bits.
20 RWCS 0b
Unsupported Request Error Status: This bit is set whenever an unsupported request is
detected on PCI Express*.
19 RO 0b
ECRC Check: The Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge does not do ECRC checking,
and this bit is never set.
18 RWCS 0b
Malformed TLP: This bit is set when it receives a malformed TLP. Header logging is
17 RWCS 0b
Receiver Overflow: This bit is set when the PCI Express* interface unit receive buffers
16 RWCS 0b
Unexpected Completion: This bit is set whenever a completion is received with a
requestor ID that does not match side A or side B, or when a completion is received with a
matching requestor ID but an unexpected tag field. Header logging is performed.
15 RWCS 0b
Completer Abort: The bridge sets this bit and logs the header associated with the request
when the configuration unit signals a completer abort.
14 RWCS 0b
Completion Time-out: This bit is set when upstream memory configuration I/O reads do
not receive completions within 16–32 ms.
13 RWCS 0b
Flow Control Protocol Error Status: This bit is set when a flow control protocol error is
12 RWCS 0b
Poisoned TLP Received: This bit is set and the bridge logs the header when a poisoned
TLP is received from PCI Express*.
11:5 RsvdZ 00h
Reserved Zero: Software must write 0 to these bits.
4RWCS 0b
Data Link Protocol Error: This bit is set when a data link protocol error is detected.
3:1 RsvdZ 000b Reserved
0RWCS 0b
Training Error: The 41210 does not set this bit.