41210 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developer’s Manual 91
Register Description
12.2.22 Offset 42h: MTT—Multi-Transaction Timer
This register controls the amount of time that the 41210 arbiter allows for a PCI initiator to perform
multiple back-to-back transactions on the PCI bus. The number of clocks programmed in the MTT
represents the time slice (measured in PCI clocks) to be allotted to the current agent, after which
the arbiter grants the bus to another agent that is requesting it.
12.2.23 Offset 43h: PCLKC—PCI Clock Control
This register controls the enable and disable of the 41210 PCI clock outputs.
12.2.24 Offset 44h: EXP_CAPID—PCI Express* Capability Identifier
This register stores the PCI Express* capability ID value.
12.2.25 Offset 45h: EXP_NXTP—Next Item Pointer
This register stores the byte offset pointer to the next capability list item of the bridge.
Table 56. Offset 42h: MTT—Multi-Transaction Timer
Bits Type Reset Description
7:3 RW 00h
Timer Count Value (MTC): This field specifies the amount of time that the grant remains
asserted to a master that is continuously asserting its request for multiple transfers. This
field specifies the count in an 8-clock (PCI clock) granularity.
2:0 RsvdP 000b Preserved
Table 57. Offset 43h: PCLKC—PCI Clock Control
Bits Type Reset Description
7 RsvdP 1b Reserved
6RW 1b
PCI Feedback Clock Control:
0 = PCI feedback clock output buffer, X_CLK[6], is tristated.
1 = PCI feedback clock output buffer, X_CLK[6], is enabled.
5:0 RW 1 1111b
PCI Clock Control: These bits enable the PCI clock output buffers, when all 1s. Otherwise
the buffers are tristated. Bit[0] corresponds to X_CLKO[0], bit[1] corresponds to X_CLKO[1],
The tristating of the clock is asynchronous to the output clocks.
Table 58. Offset 44h: PCI Express*_CAPID—PCI Express* Capability Identifier
Bits Type Reset Description
7:0 RO 10h
PCI Express* Capability ID: These bits indicate that the Intel
41210 Serial to Parallel PCI
Bridge has PCI Express* capability.
Table 59. Offset 45h: PCI Express*_NXTP—Next Item Pointer
Bits Type Reset Description
7:0 RO 5Ch
Next Capability Pointer: This field indicates the offset of the next capabilities list item,
which is the MSI capability.