E-EQ-RX2OGWW-B RX2 User’s Guide
Turning the RX2 On
RX2’s with an optional internal battery have a Power Switch to turn the unit On or Off.
RX2’s without the internal battery have no power switch. These units are On whenever DC power
is applied.
Note: The DC to DC Power Supply contains an On/Off switch. When this switch is set to Off,
power is not supplied to the RX2.
The Power Switch
The power switch is a toggle switch located on the connector panel side of the RX2.
Figure 19 Power Switch
When the switch is set to On:
• The CPU is on and the RX2 functions normally if power is present and the battery
charger is not attached.
• The CPU remains Off if the battery charger is attached, even if the power switch is
flipped to On. This allows the optional internal battery to charge.
• If the RX2 is On, the RX2 automatically powers down when the battery charger is
attached. This allows the optional internal battery to charge. If the charger is
disconnected and the switch remains in the On position, the RX2 boots up.
When the switch is set to Off:
• If the battery charger is connected, the battery recharges.
• If DC power is connected, the battery DOES NOT charge.
• If neither the battery charger nor DC power is connected, the RX2 is Off.
When the power switch is flipped to On and a power source is present:
• The LED lights solid green (or solid red if battery power is low) while booting
• When the RX2 has finished booting, the LED flashes green (or red if battery power
is low). The RX2 is ready for use after a slight delay while drivers and applications
load. Consult your system administrator for more information.
• If the battery charger is connected, the RX2 remains Off, even if the power switch is
flipped to On.