8.1.2 Plug-in dedicated options
z Plug-in options
Note: 1. Three plug-in options may be mounted at the same time (the number of the same options
mountable is only one, and only one of the communication options may be mounted.)
2. The FR-A5AX (12-bit digital input) is required separately to input the stop position command
externally for orientation control.
3. Profibus is a registerd trademark of PROFIBUS User Organization.
4. DeviceNet
is a registered trademark of ODVA(Open DeviceNet Vender Association, Inc.).
5. CC-Link is a registered trademark of CC-Link Partner Association. CC-Link stands for Control &
Communication Link.
6. Modbus plus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
Name Type Function
12-bit digital input FR-A5AX
• Input interface used to set the inverter frequency accurately using external 3-digit BCD or
12-bit binary-coded digital signals.
• Gains and offsets can also be adjusted.
Digital output
• Among 26 standard output signals of the inverter, this option outputs any 7 selected signals
from open collector output terminals.
Extension analog output
• Outputs extra 16 signals which can be monitored on the FM and AM terminals such as
output frequency,
• 20mADC or 5V(10V)DC meter can be connected.
Relay output FR-A5AR
• Among 26 standard output signals of the inverter, this option outputs any 3 selected signals
from relay contact output terminals.
Orientation, encoder
output (Note 3)
• Used with a position detector (pulse encoder) installed on a machine tool spindle to stop
the spindle in position (orientation control).
• The motor speed is detected by the pulse encoder and this detection signal is fed back to
the inverter to automatically compensate for speed variation. Hence, the motor speed can
be kept constant if load variation occurs.
• The current spindle position and actual motor speed can be monitored on the operation
panel or parameter unit.
Pulse train input • A pulse train signal can be used to enter the speed command to the inverter.
Computer link
• Operation/monitoring/parameter change of the inverter can be performed under the control
of a user program from a computer, e.g. personal computer or FA controller, connected by
a communication cable.
Relay output
• Any one output signal can be selected from among the standard output signals of the
inverter and output as a relay contact (contactor) signal.
Profibus DP
(Note 3)
• Operation/monitoring/parameter change of the inverter can be performed from a computer
or PLC.
(Note 4)
• Operation/monitoring/parameter change of the inverter can be performed from a computer
or PLC.
CC-Link (Note 5) FR-A5NC • Operation/monitoring/parameter change of the inverter can be performed from a PLC.
Modbus Plus
(Note 6)
• Operation/monitoring/parameter change of the inverter can be performed from a computer
or PLC.