(10) A to Q conversion
ACPU special registers D9000 to D9255 correspond to Q special registers SD1000 to
SD1255 after A to Q/QnA conversion.
(However, the Basic model QCPU and Redundant CPU do not support the A to Q
These special registers are all set by the system, and cannot be set by the user program.
To set data by the user program, correct the program for use of the QCPU special registers.
However, some of SD1200 to SD1255 (corresponding to D9200 to 9255 before conversion)
can be set by the user program if they could be set by the user program before conversion.
For details on the ACPU special registers, refer to the user's manual for the corresponding
CPU, and MELSECNET or MELSECNET/B Data Link System Reference Manuals.
Check "Use special relay/special register from SM/SD1000" for "A-PLC" on the
PLC system tab of PLC parameter in GX Developer when the converted special
registers are used with the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, and
Universal model QCPU.
When not using the converted special registers, uncheck "Use special relay/
special registers from SM/SD1000" to save the time taken for processing special
Supplemental explanation on "Special Register for Modification" column
For the device numbers for which a special register for modification is
specified, modify it to the special register for QCPU.
For the device numbers for which is specified, special register after
conversion can be used.
Device numbers for which is specified do not function for QCPU.