2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables
3) ..........Shows symbol diagram on the ladder.
Fig. 2.1 Symbol Diagram on the Ladder
Destination............ Indicates where data will be sent after operation.
Source .................. Stores data prior to operation.
4) ..........Indicates the type of processing that is performed by individual instructions.
Fig. 2.2 Type of Processing Performed by Individual Instructions
5) ..........The details of conditions for the execution of individual instructions are as follows:
6) ..........Indicates the basic number of steps for individual instructions.
See Section 3.8 for a description of the number of steps.
7) ..........The mark indicates instructions for which subset processing is possible.
See Section 3.5 for details on subset processing.
8) ..........Indicates the page numbers where the individual instructions are explained.
Symbol Execution Condition
No symbol
Instruction executed under normal circumstances, with no regard to the ON/OFF status of conditions prior to
the instruction.
If the precondition is OFF, the instruction will conduct OFF processing.
Executed during ON; instruction is executed only while the precondition is ON. If the preconditions is OFF,
the instruction is not executed, and no processing is conducted.
Executed once at ON; instruction executed only at leading edge when precondition goes from OFF to ON.
Following execution, instruction will not be executed and no processing conducted even if condition remains
Executed during OFF; instruction is executed only while the precondition is OFF. If the precondition is ON,
the instruction is not executed, and no processing is conducted.
Executed once at OFF; instruction executed only at trailing edge when precondition goes from ON to OFF.
Following execution, instruction will not be executed and no processing conducted even if condition remains
Indicates destination.
Indicates source.
Indicates instruction symbol.
Indicates destination.
Indicates source.
Indicates instruction symbol.
S1 S2
(D)+(S) (D)
Indicates 16 bits.
(D+1, D) +(S+1, S) (D +1,D)
Indicates 32 bits.
16 bits
Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits
16 bits