Index - 5
Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC)
........................................................................... 7-228
Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN).... 6-92
Conversion of Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN)
............................................................................. 6-92
Conversion to BIN
BCD 4-digit to BIN 16-bit (BIN) ........................ 6-75
BCD 8-digit to BIN 32-bit (DBIN)...................... 6-75
Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double
precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86
Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single
precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83
Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Double
precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86
Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single
precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83
Conversion to floating decimal point (Double
precision) (FLTD, DFLTD) ................................... 6-81
Conversion to floating decimal point (Single precision)
(FLT, DFLT)......................................................... 6-78
COS (COS operation on floating-point data (Single
precision)).......................................................... 7-254
COS operation on floating-point data (Double
precision) (COSD) ............................................. 7-256
COS operation on floating-point data (Single
precision) (COS)................................................ 7-254
operation on floating-point data (Double
precision) (ACOSD)........................................... 7-269
operation on floating-point data (Single
precision) (ACOS) ............................................. 7-267
COSD (COS operation on floating-point data (Double
precision)).......................................................... 7-256
Count 1-phase input or down (UDCNT1) .......... 6-143
Count 2-phase input or down (UDCNT2) .......... 6-146
Counters (OUT C) ............................................... 5-26
D- (BIN 32-bit subtraction operations .................. 6-26
D(P).DDRD(Reading Devices to Another CPU)
........................................................................... 10-17
D(P).DDWR(Writing Devices to Another CPU)
........................................................................... 10-13
D* (BIN 32-bit multiplication operations).............. 6-32
D+ (BIN 32-bit addition operations) ..................... 6-26
D/ (BIN 32-bit division operations)....................... 6-32
D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>= (BIN 32-bit data
comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4
DABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD
4-digit)................................................................ 7-198
DABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit)
........................................................................... 7-192
DAND (Logical products with 32-bit data) ............. 7-3
Data control instructions ...................................... 2-49
Data conversion instruction table ........................ 2-22
Data conversion instructions ............................... 6-73
Data dissociation in byte units (WTOB)............... 7-85
Data link instructions ........................................... 2-59
Data linking in byte units (BTOW) ....................... 7-85
Data processing instructions ............................... 2-35
Data table operation instructions ......................... 2-40
DATE- (Clock data subtraction operation) ......... 7-350
Date comparison (DT=,DT,DT>,DT=)................ 7-356
DATE+ (Clock data addition operation) ............. 7-348
DATERD (Reading clock data) .......................... 7-344
DATEWR (Writing clock data) ........................... 7-346
DB- (BCD 8-digit subtraction) .............................. 6-38
DB* (BCD 8-digit multiplication)........................... 6-44
DB+ (BCD 8-digit addition) .................................. 6-38
DB/ (BCD 8-digit division) .................................... 6-44
DBAND (32-bit dead band controls) .................. 7-324
DBCD (Conversion from BIN to BCD 8-digit) ...... 6-73
DBCDDA (Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal
ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189
DBIN (BCD 8-digit to BIN 16-bit conversion) ....... 6-75
DBINDA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal
ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183
DBINHA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal
ASCII) ................................................................ 7-186
DBK- .................................................................... 6-63
DBK+ ................................................................... 6-62
DBL (BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit) ............................. 6-88
DCML (32-bit negation transfers) ...................... 6-114
DDABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD
8-digit)................................................................ 7-198
DDABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN
32-bit)................................................................. 7-192
DDEC (Decrementing 32-bit BIN)........................ 6-71
Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions ...... 2-42
DEC (Decrementing 16-bit BIN) .......................... 6-69
DECO (Decoding from 8 to 256 bits) ................... 7-71
Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO) ................... 7-71
BIN 16-bit (DEC) .............................................. 6-69
BIN 32-bit (DDEC)............................................ 6-71
Decrementing 16-bit BIN (DEC) .......................... 6-69
Decrementing 32-bit BIN (DDEC)........................ 6-71
DEG (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle
(Single precision)).............................................. 7-279
DEGD (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle
(Double precision)) ........................7-281,7-283,7-285
Deleting data from data tables (FDEL) .............. 7-157
Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ......... 7-243
DELTA (Pulse conversion of direct output).......... 5-42
Designating data.................................................... 3-3
Designation of modification values in index
modification (IXDEV, IXSET) ............................. 7-148
Device range check ............................................. 3-27
DFLT (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal
point (Single precision)) ....................................... 6-78
DFLTD (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating
decimal point (Double precision)) ........................ 6-81
DFRO (Reading 2-word data from intelligent function
modules) ............................................................ 7-160
DGBIN (Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit)
............................................................................. 6-92
DGRY (BIN 32-bit to Gray code) ......................... 6-90
DHABIN (Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN
32-bit)................................................................. 7-195