Multiple CPU auto refresh setting is any of the
followings in a multiple CPU system.
• When a bit device is specified as a refresh
device, a number other than a multiple of 16 is
specified for the refresh-starting device.
• The device specified is other than the one that
may be specified.
• The number of send points is an odd number.
■Collateral information
• Common Information:File name/ Drive name
• Individual Information:Parameter number
■Diagnostic Timing
• At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/
At writing to progurammable controller
Check the following in the multiple CPU auto
refresh setting and make correction.
• When specifying the bit device, specify a multiple
of 16 for the refresh starting device.
• Specify the device that may be specified for the
refresh device.
• Set the number of send points to an even
CPU Status:
In a multiple CPU system, the multiple CPU auto
refresh setting is any of the following.
• The total number of transmission points is
greater than the maximum number of refresh
■Collateral information
• Common Information:File name/ Drive name
• Individual Information:Parameter number
■Diagnostic Timing
• At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/
At writing to progurammable controller
Check the following in the multiple CPU auto
refresh setting and make correction.
• The total number of transmission points is within
the maximum number of refresh points.
In a multiple CPU system, the multiple CPU auto
refresh setting is any of the following.
• The device specified is other than the one that
may be specified.
• The number of send points is an odd number.
• The total number of send points is greater than
the maximum number of refresh points.
• The setting of the refresh range crosses over the
boundary between the internal user device and
the extended data register (D) or extended link
register (W).
■Collateral information
• Common Information:File name/ Drive name
• Individual Information:Parameter number
■Diagnostic Timing
• At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/
At writing to progurammable controller
Check the following in the multiple CPU auto
refresh setting and make correction.
• Specify the device that may be specified for the
refresh device.
• Set the number of send points to an even
• Set the total number of send points within the
range of the maximum number of refresh points.
• Set the refresh range so that it does not cross
over the boundary between the internal user
device and the extended data register (D) or
extended link register (W).
• In a multiple CPU system, the online module
change parameter (multiple CPU system
parameter) settings differ from those of the
reference CPU.
• In a multiple CPU system, the online module
change setting is enabled although the CPU
module mounted does not support online module
chang parameter.
■Collateral information
• Common Information:File name/ Drive name
• Individual Information:Parameter number
■Diagnostic Timing
• At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/
At writing to progurammable controller
• Match the online module change parameter with
that of the reference CPU.
• If the CPU module that does not support online
module change is mounted, replace it with the
CPU module that supports online module
Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action
LED Status
CPU Status
*1 The function version is B or later.
*8 The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU.
*10 The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU.