Transforming Shapes to New Locations, Sizes, and Orientations
Transforming Shapes to New Locations, Sizes, and Orientations
The csTransform node
• Allows you to specify vertex coordinates of a shape in local space, using (0, 0, 0) as
the origin.
• Translates the local coordinates into the coordinates of its parent node.
If there is more than one csTransform node in a hierarchy of nodes, each csTransform
node translates the child node coordinates into coordinates of its parents all the way up
the hierarchy until a final csTransform node translates the coordinates of the shape into
those of the root node. The coordinate system of the root node is called world space
because all shapes in all parts of the scene graph are translated into that coordinate
Placing Transform Nodes
Typically, csTransform nodes are placed between csShape or csGroup-type nodes and
the rest of the scene graph, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Placement of csTransform Nodes
Any node, however, can be the child of a transformation node.
Transfornation node
Shape node
Scene graph