Chapter 10: Scene Graph Engines
This node interpolates among a set of key values in a csMFColor to produce a csSFColor
(RGB) color.
csColorInterpolator contains the following fields:
csMFVec3f* keyValue() const;
csSFVec3f value
keyValue() is the set of RGB color values over which you want to interpolate. The
number of colors in the keyValue() field must be equal to the number of keyframes in the
key field.
For a further explanation of keyValue(), see “Interpolator Engine Terminology” on
page 111.
This node linearly interpolates among a set of MFVec3f values. This would be
appropriate for interpolating coordinate positions for a geometric morph.
csCoordinateInterpolator contains the following fields:
csMFVec3f* keyValue() const;
csMFVec3f value
keyValue() contains sets of positions used for the coordinate interpolation. The number
of elements stored in the value field is equal to the number of elements in the keyValue()
field divided by the number of elements in the key field.
For a further explanation of keyValue(), see “Interpolator Engine Terminology” on
page 111.
csVec3f values can represent unit vectors normal to the surface of a unit sphere.
csNormalInterpolator interpolates between normals.
The output values for a linear interpolation from a point P on the unit sphere to a point
Q also on a unit sphere should lie along the shortest arc (on the unit sphere) connecting
points P and Q.