csSound Fields
The fields in csSound specify the sound source to play by specifying a csAudioClip
object. csSound can optionally specify the location, the direction of the sound, and the
spatial characteristics of the sound.
void setSource(csAudioClip* audioClip);
void setSpatialize(csBool spatialize);
void setControl(ControlEnum control);
void setLocation(const csVec3f& location);
void setLocation(csFloat v0, csFloat v1, csFloat v2);
void setDirection(const csVec3f& direction);
void setDirection(csFloat v0, csFloat v1, csFloat v2);
void setIntensity(csFloat intensity);
void setMaxIntensity(csFloat maxIntensity);
void setCullIntensity(csFloat cullIntensity);
void setCurrentFrame(csFloat currentFrame);
void setPriority(csFloat priority);
void setMinFront(csFloat minFront);
void setMaxFront(csFloat maxFront);
void setMinBack(csFloat minBack);
void setMaxBack(csFloat maxBack);
const csIntArray& getEvents();
The following sections describe these fields.
Choosing Sound Samples to Play
To specify how to play a sound file, pass a csAudioClips object to setSource(). The
csAudioClips object identifies a csAudioSample object, which contains the sound file to
play. For more information about csAudioClips, see “How to Play a Sound File” on
page 173.
A sound file commonly contains more than one sound sample. Some samples may
contain more than one sound channel per sound interval to create, for example, stereo.