3. Specifying the Appearance of Geometries 35
csContext Overview 35
State Machine 36
Inheritance Mask 36
Accessing States 37
What Modifies the Graphics State? 38
Traversal Order 38
csContext in Multi-threaded Programs 38
Overriding Appearances and Geometry Properties with csContext 39
Making the Screen One Color 39
Changing the Context 39
Using csAppearance 40
Inheriting Appearance Values 40
Setting Appearance Fields Locally 40
Lazy Updating of Appearance Values 41
Applying Textures to Geometries 42
Texture Map Coordinates 42
Applying a Texture 43
Specifying a Texture Image 44
Texture Mode Settings 44
Texture Environment Settings 46
Color Components 47
Specifying Texture Coordinates 48
Using the Default 48
Using the Texture Coordinate Function 48
Setting the csTexGen Mode 50
Enabling Texture Generation 50
Material Settings 51
Material Example 52
Filling Geometries 52
Shade Model Settings 53
Transparency Settings 53
Producing Transparency Without Blending 53