Seat and Seat Post
Attach the seat to the seat post by loosening the nuts on the seat clamp. Insert the
tapered end of the seat post into the seat clamp until it is at the top of the clamp.
Partially tighten the nuts on the seat clamp until the seat is snug, but can still be
turned. Insert the seat assembly into the frame of the bicycle and adjust the seat to
the proper height. The seat post must be inserted to at least the “Minimum Inser-
tion” line marked on the seat post. If equipped with a quick release skewer; tighten
the adjusting nut by hand and move the quick release lever to the closed position.
You should feel considerable resistance while moving the lever. If not, re-open and
re-tighten the lever, then move it to the closed position so it is in line with the frame
as pictured. If equipped with a binder clamp; Insure the lip on the binder clamp is
fitted completely against the top of the seat tube of the frame. With the seat post
inserted, tighten the binder bolt securely. Position the top of the seat parallel with
the ground. Push the front of the seat up and down to firmly mesh the serrations
together. The serrations must mesh completely together to insure a stabilized rid-
ing position. Securely tighten the nut on the seat clamp. If there is a nut on both
sides of the clamp, tighten each one by alternating from one to the other. Check for
tightness by twisting the seat from side to side, and from front to back. If the seat
moves at the seat clamp or quick release, reposition and re-tighten the appropriate
clamping mechanism.
NOTE: Comfort Series (CS) bicycles may be equipped with a suspension
seat post (See Diagram-bottom left). Some suspension posts can be adjusted for stiff-
ness using the preload adjusting screw. Turning the 6mm Allen screw Clockwise will
decrease travel and make the suspension stiffer, while turning the 6mm Allen screw
Counter-clockwise will increase travel and make the suspension less rigid.
Note: In addition to normal assembly, please be aware that the preload adjusting
screw must be flush with the bottom of the post. Some bicycles may come equipped
with a shim that should be positioned over the lower half of the seat post and inserted
into the seat tube of the frame. Failure to do this may cause irreparable damage.
The seat post must be inserted so that the minimum insertion
mark cannot be seen. The quick release mechanism must be
tightened securely to prevent a sudden shift of the seat when
riding. Failure to do this may cause loss of bicycle control.
Seat Here
Insert this
end into
Preload adjusting
screw on underside