Side Pull Brake
Loosen the cable anchor nut and thread the brake cable through it.
Tighten the nut by hand until it holds the cable in place. Squeeze the
brake arms together against the rim of the wheel. Loosen the nuts on
the brake shoes and turn until they match the angle of the rim. Tight-
en the nuts securely. Pull down on the end of the brake cable with pli-
ers, hold taut and securely tighten the cable anchor nut.
Spin the wheel, the brake shoes should not contact the rim at any
point and should be an equal distance from the rim on both sides.
Make sure all nuts and bolts are securely tightened. Test the brake
levers 20-25 times to take care of any initial cable stretch. Be sure to
tightly secure the brake fixing nut behind the fork.
1. Install the cable into
the cable carrier.
2. Set the cable onto
the straddle holder.
Side Pull
Cantilever Brakes - Utilizing a Link Wire
If fitted with cantilever type brakes, insert the brake cable into the link
wire lead, and notch the cable end into the slot of the left brake arm.
Loosen the anchor bolt on the right brake arm and slide the brake
cable under the tabbed washer. Squeeze both brake arms together
so the brake shoes hit the rim, pull all slack out of the brake cable,
and tighten the anchor bolt. With the cable fitted, the straddle holder
should sit 10-20mm above the reflector bracket. Adjust the brake
shoes using a 10mm wrench so that they are parallel with the rim and
are positioned 1-2mm away from the rim. Several adjustments may
be necessary to achieve the correct brake position.
When assembling or adjusting the brakes, make
sure the cable anchor is tight. Failure to securely
tighten the nut could result in brake failure and
personal injury.
Center Bolt
Brake Shoe
Fixing Nut
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