Blake Leverâ„¢ Cable Installation
1. Slide the covering plate back towards the brake lever. (Figure
1). Squeeze the brake lever so the cable roller is exposed.
2. Rotate out the cable roller. Push the lower cable roller assem-
bly down towards the hinge assembly. The top plate should
not move.
3. With one index finger hold the top plate and with the other
index finger separate the lower cable roller assembly with the
top plate.
4. Insert the brake cable around the lower cable roller assembly.
(Figure 2). Reassemble the lower cable roller assembly with
the top plate. Be sure to pull the lower cable assembly up
away from the hinge assembly. Make sure the cable roller is
locked into place with the top plate.
5. Install the adjuster barrels into the proper slots.
6. Reattach the covering plate.
The rest of the assembly will follow the Rotor assembly procedures
(page 56, beginning at the Upper Cable Section, Part 2).
Check your Brakes
Press each brake lever to make sure that there is no binding and that the brake pads press hard enough on the rims to stop
the bike. The brake pads should be adjusted so they are 1mm to 2 mm away from the rim when the brakes are not applied.
Brake pads should be centered on the rim and the rear portion of each brake pad should be about 0.5 - 1.0 mm farther from
the rim than the front portion of the brake pad.
Do not ride the bicycle until the brakes are functioning properly. To
test, apply the brakes while trying to push the bike forward to make
sure they will stop the bicycle.
Figure 1
Figure 2