Training Wheels
There are two options when attaching the training wheels to
the wheel brace. Determine which option is used on your
bicycle and follow the given instructions for that option.
Option 1
First attach the training wheels to the wheel brace. Position
a washer on the shoulder bolt. Next, insert the shoulder
bolt through the wheel. Follow with another flat washer
then completely thread a hex nut onto the shoulder bolt.
Insert the shoulder bolt through the wheel brace and set the
washer on the shoulder bolt. Lock the training wheel into
place by screwing another hex nut onto the shoulder bolt.
Repeat for both training wheels.
Option 2
First attach the training wheels to the wheel brace. Insert
the shoulder bolt through the wheel. Follow with a flat
washer. Insert the shoulder bolt through the wheel brace
and set the washer on the shoulder bolt. Lock the train-
ing wheel into place by screwing another hex nut onto the
shoulder bolt. Repeat for both training wheels.
Option 1
Option 2
It is very important to check the training
wheel connection to the bicycle. Failure
to properly tighten may cause the train-
ing wheel to dislodge. Please contact
Pacific Cycle Service with any questions.