5446 RTU Setup
April 2000
Using a MIB Browser
Use a MIB browser to access the ipInjectionTable. The Enterprise IP Injection
MIB OID (Object ID) is
From an SNMP workstation:
1. To load the IP Injection MIB, access the Paradyne World Wide Web site at
2. Select the Paradyne Enterprise MIB:
Service & Support ! MIBs ! Hotwire DSL
3. After the pdndce.mib appears, save the MIB file in the NMS MIB directory
with other MIB files by either:
— Clicking the right mouse button on pdndce.mib and selecting
Save As
— Clicking the left mouse button on pdndce.mib and selecting
File ! Save Link As
4. Enter the IP address of the 5446 RTU.
5. Press Options to change Set Community to Private.
6. Locate the MIB group pdn-ipinjection.
From a MIB Browser:
1. To load the IP Injection MIB, access the Paradyne World Wide Web site at
2. Select the Paradyne Enterprise MIB:
Service & Support ! MIBs ! Hotwire DSL
3. Using the MIB Browser, click on pdndce.mib and save the MIB file in the NMS
MIB directory.
4. Compile the MIB Browser.
5. Select the MIB.
6. Do a single set with a unique entry containing the required fields.
Refer to the IP Injection Tool Group Objects Table on page C-11 for IP injection
group objects and settings.