
Slot Configuration page MIB variables description 209
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 9 • Model 3088RC management
Software Test Mode (testModeSet3088RC)
This is used to invoke test modes through the NMS. Available options are:
lal(4)—Local loopback test
rdl(7)—Remote loopback test from V54
RDL Response(v54Loop)
The following options are available:
enabled(1)—The unit will respond to a V.54 loop up command
disabled(0)—The unit will ignore a V.54 loop up command
FP Switches (frntSwitch)
This selects if the front panel toggle switches used for loopbacks and pattern generators are:
Slot Configuration page MIB variables description
This section describes the MIB variables that are available on the Slot Configuration page. From the Modem Infor-
mation page, the address column creates a list of hyperlinks to the Slot Configuration page associated with the spec-
ified address. The
Slot Configuration page can be used to set slot-specific information related to the system and
how the system treats the slot in the case of errors and warning. Starting from the
HOME page, click on the follow-
ing links: Home (menu) > Configure Cards (menu) > View Rack [rack number] > X (in the Card Address column).
Card Address (nmsSlotID)
Displays the address of the card.
Local Model Code (localModelCode)
Displays the model code of the NetLink modem installed at the specified address.
View Rack X hyperlink
Click on the View Rack X link to display the Modem Information Rack X window (see section “Modem Infor-
mation Rack X” on page 239 for more information).
Card Identification Information
Local User Id (localUserID)
User supplied string that defines the NetLink NTU installed in the rack. The string is stored in non-volatile
flash within the NetLink NTU and is useful for hardware identification. If the address of the modem is
changed, the User ID will move to the new slot. The string can be up to 10 bytes long and can be changed or
reset within this page.