
Download 250
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 10 • HTTP/HTML web page reference
1001MC with access to the LAN.
Note For help, type help at the FTP prompt for a list of the commands.
1. At the C:\> DOS prompt on the PC, type the following:
where <IP ADDRESS> is the IP address of the 1001MC.
The 1001MC will respond with the following:
Connected to <IP ADDRESS>
220 Code download service ready
User ( < IP ADDRESS > (none)):
2. To download 1001MC operational code enter the username as KillImage (1001MC commands are case-
sensitive so type it exactly as shown).
The 1001MC will respond with the following:
331 User name okay, need password.
3. Enter the superuser password for the box—the default password is superuser, but it may have been changed
by the system administrator, in which case, use the new password.
The 1001MC will respond with the following:
230 User logged in, proceed.
4. The type of file being downloaded needs to be specified, type the following at the prompt:
FTP> “type image”
The 1001MC will respond with the following:
200 Command okay.
5. Send the file by typing the following:FTP> “send <filename>” where <filename> is the full filename of the
file to be downloaded, including the directory (for example: c:\temp\1001MC.img).
The 1001MC will respond with the following:
Response: 200 Command okay.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
226 Closing data connection.
Connection closed by remote host.
There will be a few second delay after the data connection is opened while the file is being transferred, then the
connected will be closed. The 1001MC will automatically install the new software.