Introduction 227
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 10 • HTTP/HTML web page reference
From this page, you can select a View Rack hyperlink that will display the Modem Information Page for the
selected rack.
Modem Information Page
The Modem Information Page consists of a table that displays top level information about the cards installed in
the selected rack. These items include; model codes, user IDs, errors and warning, and circuit IDs. This page
also allows you to gain information about the number of cards and power supplies in the rack. (See section
“Modem Information Rack X” on page 239 for more information).
From this page there are two hyperlinks that can be selected that will give you detailed information about a
specific modem. These are the
Slot Configuration hyperlink, shown as the address of the card in the table, and
Modem Statistics hyperlink, shown as the local model code.
Slot Configuration. The Slot Configuration page enables you to enter information about the modem
installed. From the page, you can change the User IDs, Circuit IDs, and the Error and Warning Indications.
From this page, you can also clear errors and warning and perform a hardware reset on the modem installed in
the rack (see section “Slot Configuration” on page 243 for more information).
Modem Statistics. The Modem Statistics page shows the current configuration and statistical state of the local
and remote modem installed at the selected address. From this page, you can place the card into the
superVisoryMode. Once the card is in this mode, the web page will display a hyperlink that will allow you to
enter the
Modem Configuration Page.
Modem Configuration Page. The Modem Configuration page allows you to change the configuration of the
local and remote modems installed at the selected address. This page can also be used to place the cards into
test modes. Once the configuration has been setup, submit the changes, then return to the
Modem Statistics
page to place the modem into the onLine state.
Note The configuration changes that are made will not be implemented in
the cards until the unit is placed back into the onLine state.
System Information
You can navigate to the System Information page by selecting the hyperlink along the left side of any page. The
System Information page enables you to setup the IP information, box information, and password information for
the system. It is recommended that you change your passwords immediately after installing your Model 1001MC
to ensure security for your network (see section “System Information” on page 246 for more information).
The Download page enables you to perform software upgrades on the 1001MC itself, and the 1094ARC and
1095RC NetLink rack card modems installed in the system. New software can be obtained from Patton Electron-
ics via a file-transfer protocol (FTP) connection (see section “Download” on page 249 for more information).
System Log
The System Log page displays Syslog messages. Syslog messaging is a reporting tool used in the Model 1001MC
to log run-time operations. There are several levels of messages and you can set the system to report only messages
above a certain level. From this page, you can reach the
Syslog—Modify, Modify—Volatile Memory, and Mod-
ify—Non-Volatile Memory
web pages. See section “System Log” on page 251 for more information about the
System Log page.