HOME 228
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 10 • HTTP/HTML web page reference
The Syslog—Modify web page allows you to setup the configuration for the Syslog messaging system. You can
set variables such as the IP address of a Syslog Daemon and priority levels for each of the messaging facilities
(see section “System Log—Modify” on page 252 for more information).
Syslog—Volatile Memory
The Syslog—Volatile Memory page displays Syslog messages that have been sent to the Volatile Memory sec-
tion of the messaging system. The messages stored here will be lost if the system is re-booted (see section “Sys-
tem Log—Volatile Memory” on page 256 for more information).
Syslog—Non-Volatile Memory
The Syslog—Non-Volatile Memory page displays Syslog messages that have been sent to the Non-Volatile
Memory section of the messaging system. The messages stored here will be stored in Flash memory and will be
available if the system is re-booted or power is lost (see section “System Log—Non-Volatile Memory” on
page 257 for more information).
The SNMP web page enables you to download the Patton Enterprise MIBs for the Model 1001MC. These
MIBs are required if you plan to manage the system using a network management station (NMS) instead of
the web page manager.
The HOME page is the first HTTP/HTML screen that you will reach after you log into the Model 1001MC
(see figure 107 on page 225). From the
HOME page you may monitor the current system status, save any sys-
tem changes or reset the system without powering off the rack system.
Box information
Figure 109. Box information
There are six system variables which describe information about the 1001MC. These variables are shown in
figure 109, and are described in the following sections.
Software Version (boxSoftwareVersion)
This variable defines the version of the software currently running in the Model 1001MC. The Model
1001MC can be software upgraded using an FTP download.
Software Date Code (boxDateCode)
This variable defines the date and time the software was compiled.