Data Structure Reference 5-9
The GENERALINFO data structure contains general scanner
configuration information. To read these values, applications
call scnGetGeneralInfo; to set these values, they call
typedef struct _GeneralInfo
unsigned char uchLaserOnTime;
unsigned char uchPowerMode;
unsigned char uchTriggerMode;
unsigned char uchSameSymbolTMO;
unsigned char uchLinearCodeSecur;
unsigned char uchBiDirRedun;
Field Description
uchLaserOnTime The maximum time (in increments of .1
seconds) of a scan. Values are 5-99.
Default: 30
uchPowerMode Specifies whether power remains on or
the scanner goes into low power mode
after a scan. If uchTriggerMode is 1
(Continuous) and uchPowerMode is 1
(Low Power), the scanner remains
continually on. Values are:
0 Continually On
1 Low Power
Default: 1
uchTriggerMode The method that starts the scanner. If
uchTriggerMode is 1 (Continuous) and
uchPowerMode is 1 (Low Power), the
scanner remains continually on. Values
0 Trigger
1 Continuous (always on)
Default: 0