10 Index
1223 scanner Code 93 bar code
configuration, 4-55
1223 scanner D 2 of 5 bar code
configuration, 4-56
1223 scanner general configuration,
1223 scanner I 2 of 5 bar code
configuration, 4-58
1223 scanner MSI bar code
configuration, 4-59
1223 scanner UPC/EAN bar code
configuration, 4-66
BIOS version, 4-97
black mark sensor state, 4-26
characters from scanner with echoing,
characters from scanner without
echoing, 4-48
current cursor location, 4-106
current keypad mode, 4-3
current supply type, 4-33
current video mode, 4-100
error messages, 4-28
NiCd battery level, 4-24
on-demand sensor state, 4-30
Print subsystem status, 4-42
scanner buffer contents with
autotrigger, 4-60
scanner buffer contents without
autotrigger, 4-63
scanner configuration information,
supplies information, 4-38
type of last bar code scanned, 4-46
sample applications, A-1
scan, initiating, 4-95
checking for data in buffer, 4-72
configuring, 4-90
disabling, 4-44
enabling, 4-67
enabling while sharing the serial port,
retrieving buffer contents with
autotrigger, 4-60
retrieving buffer contents without
autotrigger, 4-63
retrieving characters with echoing,
retrieving characters without echoing,
retrieving configuration, 4-62
using, 6-5
scanners, 2-9
scnCloseScanner function, 4-44
scnGetBarCodeType function, 4-46
scnGetch function, 4-48
scnGetche function, 4-50