
Printer Features 2-7
The printer has many resident fonts. You must load other fonts
separately. Following is a list of these fonts and their IDs.
Standard (1)
Reduced (2)
Bold (3)
OCRA (4)
HR1 (5)
HR2 (6)
CG Triumvirate Bold® 9 pt. (10)
CG Triumvirate 6 pt. (11)
Swiss Bold (50)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 6.5 pt. (1000)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 8 pt. (1001)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 10 pt. (1002)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Full Character Set) 12 pt. (1003)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Partial Character Set) 18 pt. (1004)
CG Triumvirate Bold (Partial Character Set) 22 pt. (1005)
CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 6.5 pt.
CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 8 pt.
CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed (Full Character Set) 10 pt.