Glossary B-1
Following is a list of terms you must be familiar with to write
printer applications.
Term Definition
The programmer-defined buffer in the
application used to save the data from a scan.
Attribute The way a character appears on the printer’s
display: in normal or reverse video.
Calibrate The automated process where the printer
determines the size, length and type of the
supplies it is using.
Display Page Any of four virtual pages that the printer can
display (one at a time) on the physical display.
An application can write data to a display page
behind-the-scenes, and display it when ready.
Motion Control
The printer subsystem that controls how paper
feeds through the printer.
MPCL Monarch Printer Control Language. This
language contains commands that drive the
printer. Refer to the Packet Reference Manual
for more information.
Packet A unit of MPCL commands. For example, to
print a particular label, the application writes a
particular group of MPCL commands to the
print subsystem. This group is enclosed in
braces and is known as a packet. Refer to the
Packet Reference Manual for more information.
Print subsystem The part of the printer that controls printing.
ROM-DOS The MS-DOS 6.22-compatible operating system
that the printer runs. Datalight manufactures it.