PPrroobblleemm CCaauussee SSoolluuttiioonn
Cannot power on player Battery drained Charge the battery
(See page 1, step 2)
Loose key press Press and hold 22;; for 2 seconds
USB connected Disconnect player from
computer (See page 1, step 5)
Firmware / databse error Connect player to computer and
restart DMM
USB doesn’t work Loose connection Check connection
Wrong OS version Your operation system must be
Win 98SE or later
USB driver not installed Windows 98SE user only: install
the USB driver provided in by-
packed CD
Player does not respond Player busy Press and hold [VOLUME +] and
33 to reset. Press and hold 22;; for
2 seconds to power on again if the
power on screen does not appear
Automatic power off Your player automatically powers
if there is no operation and no
music played within 20 seconds.
Press and hold
to power on.
TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ((11))
If a fault occurs, first check the points listed. For further help and other troubleshooting tips,
please also check out FAQ for your player at w
If you are unable to find a solution from these hints, consult your dealer or service center.
Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate
the warranty.
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