Press and hold 22;; for 2 seconds to power on your player.
From the root menu, press 44, 44, 44, 22 to enter the settings mode.
and press 22 . Press 22;; to start synchronization when prompted.
Your player will link with the first monitor which gives out signals.
Make sure there is no activated sensors within 15 meters.
Press and hold
on your monitor for 6 seconds.
The speed and distance monitor light will blink rapidly (x3).
Wait for the player screen to display
SSyynncchhrroonniizzee ccoommpplleettee
Your player is now synchronized with your monitor.
SSyynncchhrroonniizziinngg ppllaayyeerr wwiitthh
ssppeeeedd aanndd ddiissttaannccee mmoonniittoorr
Please synchronize your player with the speed and distance monitor if:
> you have bought a new speed and distance monitor; or
> you cannot establish connection between your player and the speed and distance monitor
even when a new alkaline battery is inserted
*Actual display varies with use
PSA260-eng.qxd 7/8/04 2:48 PM Page 7