Press and hold 22;; to power on.
From the root menu, press 22 to enter the music mode.
Any radio playback will stop as you enter the music mode.
Press 33 to scroll up or 44 to scroll down for your option.
Press 22 for next or 11 for previous levels of library.
Press 22;; to play.
MMuussiicc MMooddee:: BBaassiicc OOppeerraattiioonn
Library options Artists list
Press 33 , 33 for the previous or 44, for the next track.
Press 33 to play the same track again.
Press and hold 44 to fast forward or 33 to rewind in a track during playback.
Press and hold 22;; to power off. Your player will save your current
music playback status and resume next time you power on.
Press 22;; to pause during playback.
*Actual display varies with use
> To display library options during playback, press 11 .
> To display the root menu, press and hold 11 .
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