RRuunnnniinngg mmooddee:: AAuuttoommaattiicc ccaalliibbrraattiioonn
Press and hold 22;; to power on.
From the root menu, press 44 , 22 to enter the running mode.
To calibrate the speed and distance monitor, select CALIBRATION > AUTOMATIC.
Press RUN and start running 400 metres on the inner lane of a marked track as prompted.
Press RUN again when you have completed your track.
to save the calibration value.
If you want to stop the calibration during running, press 11 to
discard the calibration value.
Your speed and distance monitor provides unprecedented accuracy right out of the box.
In addition, an optional calibration procedure can be performed to guarantee optimal accuracy
for a specific user, which will correct for individual stride variations such as pronation or supina-
tion. Calibration can be performed either automatically or manually.
*Actual display varies with use
PSA260-eng.qxd 7/8/04 2:48 PM Page 8