
ISACC Instruction Manual
Alarms - Used with show to display any outstanding alarms.
Clock - Battery-backed clock that allows the time and date to be displayed or programmed.
Dialout - Used to display or instruct ISACC to enable or disable the dialout for each alarm.
Inputs - Used with show to display the present values of the inputs. If an input number is
followed, the command only displays that specific input.
Itype - Used with set or show to program or display the input type and name.
Limits - Used with set or show to program or display the high and low limits of the inputs.
Logging - Used to display or instruct ISACC on the data logging parameters.
Network - Used with set or show to program or display the networking requests.
Oname - Used with set or show to program or display the output names.
Outputs - Used with set or show to program or display the state of the outputs. If an output
number follows, the command only effects that specific output.
Phone - Used with set or show to program or display the dial out phone numbers, communi-
cation modes, and their names.
Recognition - Used with set or show to program or display the recognition time for each
Selection - Used with set or show to program or display the configuration of the dial out
numbers for each input.
System - Used with set or show to program or display ISACC’s system parameters.
Table - Used with set or show to program or display the custom look-up tables.
Variables - Used to instruct ISACC to display the values derived from the C program.
Voice - Used to display or program the input and output voice choices on a voice call-in.