Appendix E: Accessories
The sensors and accessories listed below are the most commonly used with ISACC. In addi-
tion, there are a virtually unlimited variety of sensor/switch input devices available at commer-
cial or industrial electrical supply houses. They can provide a device to monitor virtually any
condition that might be required for your business, industrial or residential needs. Contact
Phonetics, Inc. at (610)558-2700 for more information.
ACCESSORIES (available through Phonetics) MODEL NUMBER
Magnetic Reed Switch FGD-0006
Passive Infra-Red Motion Detector FGD-0007
Output Controller (CM-001) FGD-0012
Water Detection Sensor FGD-0013
AC Output Module FGD-0015
DC Output Module FGD-0016
DC Input Module FGD-0017
AC Input Module FGD-0018
High Power Solid State Module FGD-0020
4-Module I/O Rack FGD-0021
Temp° Alert FGD-0022
ISOTEL Surge Protector FGD-0023
Humidistat FGD-0027
8-Module I/O Rack FGD-0039
Smoke Detector w/built-in Relay FGD-0049
Humidity Transmitter FGD-0052
Remote Temperature Sensor FGD-0100
2.8K Weatherproof Temperature Sensor FGD-0101
10K Weatherproof Temperature Sensor FGD-0102
10K Outdoor Temperature Sensor FGD-0104
10K Immersion Temperature Sensor FGD-0105
Phonecell SX3e Cellular Phone FGD-0200