
ISACC Instruction Manual
To communicate locally using your PC, you must first hook up and configure ISACCs RS232
port with your PCs RS232 port. ISACCs RS232 port is positioned on the circuit board at
location P4 next to the phone jack and is labelled RS232 PORT (DCE). Provided with
ISACC is a Communication Hookup Kit that contains the following:
Male DB25 plug to RJ11C
Female DB25 socket to RJ11C
Female 9-pin socket to RJ11C
10 feet of RS232 wire with male RJ11C on each end
To connect your PC to ISACCs RS232 port, do the following:
1. Insert the male DB25 plug into ISACCs RS232 port
2. Insert one end of the RS232 wire into the male DB25 plug
3. Insert the other end of the RS232 wire into the female DB25 socket
4. Insert the female DB25 socket into your PCs male RS232 port. Make sure that you are
connecting to one of the PCs COM ports and not to a parallel port. If your PCs COM port
is a 9 pin connector, then use the included 9-pin socket instead.
See page 30 for ISACCs RS232 Specifications and a diagram of the RS232 DB25 socket.
5. After connecting the PC with ISACC, you may need to configure the PC's RS232 port to
communicate at the same speed (bps) as ISACC (see the ISACC Manager User's Manual). If
this is not an option, you can change ISACC's communication rate by configuring the shunts
at location P10 on the ISACC board. Before changing anything, read the following:
IMPORTANT: The speed of ISACCs RS232 port is completely independent of
ISACCs built-in modem or modem speed. ISACCs modem has its own separate
RS232 port built in. Therefore, you do not need to configure ISACC to communi-
cate at the same speed as its built-in modem (1200 bps) when you are communi-
cating locally. Use the rate at which your PC can communicate.
ISACC is factory configured at 9600 bps, which is the fastest it can communicate. All PCs can
communicate at least that fast. Unless your PC definitely communicates at a slower speed, do
not change the configuration of the shunts for local communication.
ISACC is capable of communicating locally at the following speeds:
150 bps 2400 bps
300 bps 4800 bps
1200 bps 9600 bps
There are 9 pins at board location P10. (P10 is located under the acrylic safety panel next to
the digital outputs terminal block.) Three shunts are provided to configure the communication
speed for the RS232 port. The speed is determined by the different positions of the shunts.
All three shunts must be used for ISACC to communicate properly. To configure the shunts,
you must first remove the acrylic panel. Using needlenose pliers, move the shunts to the