
Chapter 3: Communication Setup
7. When using a PC to communicate locally with ISACC, you must next install communica-
tions software. Provided with ISACC is the ISACC MANAGER for Windows Software. The
package comes with four 3.5" floppy disks. Follow the instructions in the ISACC MAN-
AGER User's Manual to install the software.
To communicate locally, you must hookup and configure ISACCs RS232 port with your
terminal. ISACCs RS232 port is positioned on the circuit board at location P4 next to the
phone jack and is labelled RS232 PORT (DCE). Provided with ISACC is an Accessory Bag
that contains the following:
Male DB25 plug to RJ11C
Female DB25 socket to RJ11C
Female 9-pin socket
10 feet RS232 wire with male RJ11C on each end
To connect your terminal to ISACCs RS232 port, do the following:
1. Insert the male DB25 plug into ISACCs RS232 port
2. Insert one end of the RS232 wire into the male DB25 plug
3. Insert the other end of the RS232 wire into the female DB25 socket
4. Insert the female DB25 plug into your terminals male RS232 port.
NOTE: You may encounter a common problem at step four. Some terminals have a female
RS232 port. Since the provided equipment has a female DB25 socket, you may have to obtain
a gender changer to connect the socket to your terminal.
See page 30 for ISACCs RS232 Specifications and a diagram of the RS232 DB25 socket.
5. After connecting the terminal with ISACC, you may need to configure your terminal's
RS232 port to communicate at the same speed (bps) as your terminal (refer to your terminal's
operator's manual). If this is not an option, you can change ISACC's communication rate by
configuring the shunts at location P10 on the ISACC board. Before changing anything, read
the following:
IMPORTANT: The speed of ISACCs RS232 port is completely independent of
ISACCs built-in modem or modem speed. ISACCs modem has its own separate
RS232 port built in. Therefore, you do not need to configure ISACC to communi-
cate at the same speed as its built-in modem (1200 bps) when you are communi-
cating locally. Use the rate at which your terminal can communicate.
ISACC is factory configured at 9600 bps, which is the fastest it can communicate. Most
terminals can communicate at least that fast. Unless your terminal definitely communicates at
a slower speed, do not change the configuration of the shunts for local communication.