SCSI Description
5–36 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
INQUIRY Command (12h) (continued)
Table 5–13 Standard Inquiry Data Page — Field Descriptions
Field Name Value Description
Peripheral Qualifier 0 Non-zero if initiator selects an invalid logical unit.
Peripheral Device Type 0 0 indicates that this is a Direct Access Device.
ANSI Version 3 ANSI SCSI Level 3 (SCSI-3) is supported.
AERC 0 Asynchronous Event Reporting is not supported.
NormACA 0 Does not support setting NACA in CDB Control word.
Port 0 Only used when MultiP = 1.
MultiP 0 This field set to 1 if it is a multiport device.
Mchngr 0 Not embedded in or attached to a medium changer
ACKQREQQ 0 Device supports REQ and ACK data handshake on Q cable.
Addr32 0 32-bit wide SCSI address
Addr16 0/1 16-bit wide SCSI address
TrmTSK 0 TERMINATE TASK Function is not supported
Response Data Format 2 This Standard Inquiry Data is in the format specified in the
International Standard.
RelAdr 0 Relative Addressing is not supported.
WBus 32 0 32-bit wide bus is not supported.
WBus 16 0 or 1 The WBus bit is 1 if the drive supports 16-bit data transfer.
bit is 0 if the drive only supports 8-bit transfer.
Sync 1 The drive supports Synchronous Data Transfers.
Linked 1 Linked Commands are supported.
TransDis 1 Indicates that the drive supports CONTINUE TASK and
CmdQue 1 The drive supports Tagged Command Queuing.
SftRe 0 The drive implements the hard reset option in response to
assertion of the SCSI Bus reset line.
VS 0 Vendor Specific
Product Identification The value in this field is:
ATLAS10KII-72WLS if the parallel drive supports 16-bit data
ATLAS10KII-72SCA if the parallel drive supports 16-bit data
transfers through SCA.
Note: Product Identification may vary from the above,
depending on OEM customer specifications.
NOTE: Vendor Information, Product Identification, and Product Revision Level are returned as shown in
Figure 5-10.