SCSI Description
5–78 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–37 Control Mode Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Value Default Description
DQue 0 Disable Queue. When set to the default value of 0, the drive
supports tagged command queuing.
When the Disable Queue bit is set to 1, tagged command
queuing is disabled. A subsequent tagged message from
the initiator is rejected with a MESSAGE REJECT message
and the I/O process is executed as an untagged command.
EECA 0 AEN enabled.
RAC 0 Report A Check Condition bit. Ignored by the drive.
RAERP 0 Ready AER Permission. Not supported by the drive.
UAAERP 0 Unit Attention AER Permission. Not supported by the
EAERP 0 Error AER Permission. Not supported by the drive.
Ready AER Holdoff Period 0 Not supported by the drive.
Busy Timeout Period FFFFh Not supported by the drive.
NOTES: 1. If the Queue Algorithm Modifier specifies restricted re-ordering (0000b), commands
are not allowed to execute concurrently. If this field specifies unrestricted re-ordering
(0001b), concurrent I/O execution is allowed.
2. Fully supported and temporary fields are underlined. Unsupported fields are not
underlined. The PS bit is underlined, meaning it will be set on a MODE SENSE
command, since the page is savable