SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–81
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–38 Notch and Partition Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Data Field Value Description
Ending Boundary 9GB: 0043B9h, The ending boundary field either indicates the ending of
02h the active notch or, if the active notch is 0, it indicates the
ending of the logical unit. If the LPN value is 1, the ending
18GB: 0043B9h, boundary is a Logical Block Address.
04h If the LPN value is 0, the three most significant bytes
identify the ending cylinder number and the least
36GB: 0043B9h, significant byte identify the ending head number. This field
09h is unchangeable. When used with the MODE SELECT
command, this field is ignored.
72GB: 0043B9h,
Pages Notched 00000000b, This is a 64-bit bit map that indicates which MODE
00000000b, command pages contain parameters that may be different
00000000b, for different notches. The most significant bit (MSB)
00000000b, corresponds to Page 3Fh (Vendor-Unique Caching Page),
00000000b, and the least significant bit (LSB) corresponds to Pae 00h
00000000b, (Unit Attention Control Page).
00001000b If a bit is 1, the corresponding mode page contains
parameters that may be different for different notches.
If a bit is 0, the corresponding mode page contains
parameters that are constant for all notches.
The value of 1 in bits 3 and 12 indicates that Page 03h and
0Ch contain different parameters for different notches.